
Denture Blog

Have You Ever Wondered How Dentures Stay in Place? Here’s Your Answer

November 26, 2021

Just because you’ve seen it on tv doesn’t make it true. Dentures have long been a source of comedic media portrayal, often falling out or slipping at exactly the wrong time, creating an embarrassing situation for the wearer and amusement for spectators. 

However, just as other jokes get old and tired and disappear, it’s time to let go of the denture jokes, because well, they simply aren’t that relevant anymore. 

Modern dentures have come a very long way since the denture you might remember a grandparent wearing when you were a child. Just ask your local denturist in Surrey. Today’s dentures not only look and feel almost identical to natural teeth but are also designed to stay in place much better than their predecessors. 

Partial Dentures 

As the name suggests, partial dentures are used to fill in the gaps when only some of your teeth are missing. This type of denture gets held in place with thin metal claps wrapped around the gumline of healthy neighbouring teeth. 

Partial dentures are comfortable to wear, easy to remove, and securely fitted, so there are no worries about them falling out unexpectedly during dinner. 

Complete Dentures

When having all of your teeth replaced, a complete set of dentures is your most affordable option. But that doesn’t mean they aren’t also your best option. Complete dentures don’t have the benefit of anchor teeth to hold them in place securely; instead, they rely on the natural shape of your mouth and a carefully crafted fit. 

The thin layer of saliva between the denture, jawbone, and gums acts as suction to help keep your dentures in place; however, many denture wearers also use a zinc-free denture adhesive for extra support. Your denturist in Surrey will be able to give you tips and tricks on how to get used to your new complete dentures. 

For more information on caring for your dentures, check out: Caring for Your Complete Dentures.

Lower Suction Dentures

Lower suction dentures also rely on suction to stay in place, similar to your complete dentures. This type of denture has been made possible thanks to advances in the denture field, giving patients who may not have been able to afford surgical solutions but were concerned about slippage with traditional lower dentures another option. 

While lower suction dentures are a good option for most patients, they may not be suitable for every patient. The shape and structure of your jawbone will factor heavily into consideration for lower suction dentures, as will your timeline. Lower suction dentures require giving gums time to fully heal post tooth extraction, which can take up to a year. 

Implant-Supported Dentures

When you want to fix it and forget it, dentures over implants offer the most secure denture fit available. Implant-supported dentures utilize dental implants as anchors rather than relying on natural teeth or suction. The denture is custom made to fill in the gaps or replace all of your missing teeth. 

The procedure requires multiple steps; implants need to be placed and allowed to heal before the dentures can be fabricated and fitted. However, once the process is completed, you’ll have secure-fitting dentures that look and feel almost indistinguishable from natural teeth. 

Implant-supported dentures fit without the need for suction or adhesive, and they do not need to be taken out daily for cleaning or to allow your gums to rest. After they are placed, your implant dentures will only get removed by your denturist during regular cleaning appointments. 

If you are interested in learning more about your denture options, book an appointment with your local Surrey denturist. They will be able to offer you personalized advice on the best denture solution for your smile and your budget.